Allendale Electrical

Allendale Electrical and Communications Ltd.

North Shore Policing Centre

This facility is New Zealands largest purpose built policing centre, comprising approximately 3,500 sq metres of operational office space and 4000 sq metres of secure space, cell units, car parking and associated facillities.trols to serve the site.

North Shore Policing Centre

A new generation of design concentrated on energy efficiency for all services and saw the separation of "hard" and "soft" areas so victims and offenders do not even come visually into contact with each other.

Allendale Electrical worked closely with the designers, builders and the Police to ensure that the finished facility operated the way the Police wanted.

One of the biggest challenges Allendale faced was the design and installation of the Lightning protection system. Considerable consideration had to be given to the people housed in the cell blocks, the police antenna and architectural resistrictions along the length of the 60m building while still adhering to protection level PL1 from AS/NZS 1768.

2012 All rights reserved. Allendale Electrical and Communications Ltd.