Sylvia Park Shopping Centre
2012 - Sylvia ParkThis is one of Allendale Electrical's most significant projects, situated on a 24-hectare site offering over 180 speciality retail stores, a state-of-the-art Hoyts 10-screen cinema complex, an entertainment precinct, and over 3000 carparks.
The site is served by its own 11KV ring main from a new Vector substation on the perimeter of the site. LV power is provided through 12 No. 1MVA transformers to dedicated main switchboards for each zone. "House" boards provide services to common areas, while tenancies are generally supplied via fused tap-off boxes from one of a number of "retail" bus systems installed in the ceilings.

All house lighting, including the malls, amenities, carparks, ring roads, signage, and feature lighting, is controlled by a fully programmable Dynalite control system.
Allendale's contract also included the design of specialist lighting for common areas, feature lighting and controls, and the design and installation of a fibre and copper backbone network for the centre.